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What We Believe
Not All Churches Are Alike
What We Believe
God loves all people, animals, and all that God has made.
Nothing and no one is beyond God's loving embrace.
God is forgiving, and God's love is eternal.
There is no hate in God.
When we miss the mark, God seeks our healing, not our punishment.
Hate has no place in religion or the spiritual life.
God is both male and female and beyond gender.
Jesus came to save us by opening our eyes to God’s love
and healing (through his life, death, resurrection and ascension),
and teaching us how to live well with this new awareness.
Jesus established the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.
A healthy church is transparent and democratic.
Gathering together every week with our parish, to praise God in Christ,
pray, laugh, sing, learn, grow, and give,
lifts our spirits, and nurtures the spiritual life of both us and our children.
We are called to help and serve the world.
That it is in giving that we receive.
Salvation means the healing of body and soul both in this life and the next.
LGBTQIA+ clergy, marriages, and folks in the life of the church
are normative and a blessing.
All have equal leadership in the church.