About Us
We are an inclusive and welcoming community.
Emmanuel Episcopal Church is a diverse, inclusive, and welcoming Christian community dedicated to spiritual growth through worship, education, and service to our neighbors. We enjoy being together—whether worshiping or just having fun—in the presence of God. People of all backgrounds find a welcoming home here: Young and old; men and women; LGBTQ and straight; people of all races.
Together, we are the people of God.
Emmanuel embodies Christ’s light in service to all. Here, through God’s love and grace, all are accepted, purpose is found, and together we flourish.
Following Jesus, we approach life by coming “not be served, but to serve.” We strive to live our faith in the church and in the world, sharing God’s love and serving those in need.
Our parish includes residents of Wakefield and many nearby communities. We value diversity and welcome your questions about God, faith, and the church. There’s a place for you here. The Episcopal Church welcomes you.